
Saturday 3 September 2011

Seasons Change

We had a lovely walk today from Cramond Brig across Dalmeny Estate to South Queensferry. The weather was very changeable (see the photos above), it started off overcast and humid, then it rained then we had lovely sunshine. The fields and woodlands felt as though they were in transition, with house martins flying high over fields where the harvest is being gathered in, some leaves being brightly coloured while others are still very green (and some like those below have obviously been badly eaten!)

Walking towards South Queensferry, there is a lovely view of the Forth Rail Bridge. Several interesting species of birds breed on the islands in the river. We didn't see as many birds as we might have expected to, though we did see a couple of terns (probably Sandwich terns) and we heard curlew.
For Shadow Shot Sunday and Sunday Bridges


  1. Ah, the changing seasons plot their course. We know that Summer is not with us much longer this year. But there is autumnal beauty that awaits our admiration. So seasonal change is upon us, but we always enjoy what natures gives us always...

  2. Lovely changing seasons captures for the day! We didn't see summer until about 10 days ago but there's already a touch of fall in the air! Well, it's still better than hurricanes!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


  3. That's a really cool bridge!

  4. I love all the shadows on that broad, grassy expanse!


    I love my shadow,
    My shadow loves me;
    We chat together
    And don’t disagree!

    My shadow and I
    Prefer not to shout
    As we go walking
    And rambling about.

    My shadow’s so wise,
    I ask what she thinks;
    She’s happy to share,
    And then nods and winks.

    My shadow and I
    Are best buds, you see;
    That’s why we try hard
    To always agree!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Arroyo Shadows

  5. The first shot is so luscious!

    shadow Shots, have a lovely Saturday!

  6. It sounds like a wonderful walk, Juliet, but I would want to stop and stay in that first photo. It's exquisite, with sun and shade and beautiful green.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  7. Hi Juliet,

    Yes, a change of season here for us too, but that is what makes life great.
    what a lovely time you must have had out walking and I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    Have a happy Sunday

  8. Very pretty shadow shots!

    Please come and see my shadow shots, have a great weekend!

  9. Anonymous7:49 am

    fabulous! i love the first photo. thanks!

  10. You've reminded me that our own House Martins will be packing their bags in a few short weeks.

  11. Beautiful pictures. :-)

    (just a quick note to let you know I've passed on the 7x7 link award to you)

  12. Lovely picture of the bridge Juliet. The curlew is the one bird we are always certain to hear when we walk round our fields.

  13. Your first two shots show why you should never hesitate when taking photos!

  14. Nice view of the bridge. There is a hint of fall in the air here, and finally some rain!

  15. We are beginning to feel the onset of Autumn. The hard is filled with leaves. Love your series this week. All are beautiful. Your hay bales make me feel right at home, and that bridge is amazing. Lovely photography this week. genie

  16. Your photos are lovely! I enjoy your blog; thank you for sharing photos, walks, poetry and thoughts.

  17. Your photos, ma'am? You really are talented with photography--are you entering these in the contest you mentioned? You so should!

  18. Hannah - thanks! Yes, these are both my photos (most of the photos in the blog are mine, some are from Crafty Green Boyfriend). I have entered a couple of photography competitions recently, not the one I've linked to here though... Well, not yet...

  19. A walk with lots to take in... We've had variable skies here in Manila too, but we don't see seasons change much, and I do miss that at times. This is my late visit from Sunday Bridges and your cantilever railway bridge is a handsome one.


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