
Friday 9 September 2011

Green Space Poetry competition

I was delighted to find out that one of my poems will be included in the anthology arising from the Green Space Poetry prize, organised by Poetry Space. The anthology will be published later this year. Meanwhile you can read the winning poems here.

I was also delighted to hear recently that one of my pieces of short prose will feature at the Feast on the Bridge, which is this year, a celebration of sustainable fish, and takes place on 10 September as part of the Mayor's Thames Festival in London. (Which looks like a great event to go along to, if you're in or near London!)


  1. Congratulations!! This is delightful news.

  2. You do very well with your writing Juliet - I am green too (with envy)

  3. Wonderful. Congratulations! :-)

  4. Well done, you're going from strength to strength - and bother! Why am I always in the wrong place at the right time. I'll be in London the following week.

  5. Anonymous12:03 am

    Congrats - that's awesome!

  6. Anonymous1:04 am

    Well done! Two pieces of good news. I enjoyed the winning poems on the Poetry Space website but was disappointed not to be able to read yours.

  7. Its congratulations!

    Its Great

  8. Hi, many congratulations. I am sure it is richly deserved and am just off to read it.

  9. Congrats, your poems are wonderful. This is great news.

  10. How delightful - well done, you! Your words often have a freshness and directness that I enjoy. I suspect there will be more delights to come for you.

  11. Congratulations. Give us the information on the anthology when it becomes available.

  12. Congratulations, you deserve this and much more. How exciting!


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