
Monday 26 September 2011

Camera Case from Repurposed Fabric

At the weekend, I made this carry case for my camera using fabric from a load of fabric samples I had found thrown out in the street one day. It looks quite nice. Unfortunately though the fabric had seemed to be the right size when I measured it at the beginning, it was just too small by the time I'd finished making the case (this is the downside of repurposing materials, sometimes you are restricted by the existing dimensions of the materials!) Luckily I have other fabric I can use to make a camera case and Crafty Green Boyfriend assures me he can use this one. (And apologies for the rather poor photo!)


  1. I believe we could use a couple of nice table napkins with that maerial!!!

  2. Hi Rabbit's Guy, yes the fabric would make really nice table napkins, but the samples are too small I think....

  3. It's great to see things being 'repurposed' this way.

  4. Well done you. Any recycling is pleasing isn't it.

  5. Looks neat. Great that you found those samples thrown out. Just think of all the uses...

  6. Good idea though...

  7. How lovely that Crafty Green Boyfriend can use the newly created case. Good for you for the imagination to think of this!

  8. by the Seine
    my camera pointed
    at the moon

  9. Oh, too bad it turned out too small for your camera! I'm glad you found another use for it though and can make another one for yourself.

  10. That's a great idea! I really should make one for myself, my camera is really getting beaten up.


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