
Saturday 17 September 2011

Arthurs Seat

We had a lovely walk round Arthur's Seat today. I was wanting to find a good circular walk for the Birdwatching class I'm teaching for City of Edinburgh council starting from a week Monday. The challenge for me with Arthur's Seat is to find a circular walk off the main path that avoids any vertiginous slopes (it would be embarrassing to say the least to be paralysed with vertigo when leading a birdwatching walk and Arthur's Seat is full of steep slopes!). Anyway we found a perfect walk, that takes in the hidden valley where ravens can sometimes be seen and a nice little grassy path that passes some lovely vegetation. We also had excellent views of two hunting kestrels. The weather changed moment to moment, rain, sunshine, rain.


  1. Arthur's seat is an excellent thing to have in the middle of any city - it like a it of open countryside with an excellent view of the city. Can't say I've been up for years (not this century - or probably even the 90s) - definately long overdue.

  2. Wouldn't I like to go on that walk with you... sounds lovely, and that last picture is so dramatic.

  3. I keep being surprised by how lovely your countryside is - even that which isn't exactly "isolated and pristine". We often think we need to go far, far away to find beauty, but you make it quite clear that home can be good enough!

  4. That would certainly be an enjoyable walk.

  5. That would certainly be an enjoyable walk.

  6. How lovely. I would like very much to be able to take your class.

  7. Seems to be a beautiful place...

  8. Lovely posts. Makes me long for a return visit to your lovely country--remember stumbling into pubs to escape the rain and enjoying great local beers & cheeses.

  9. Is it too late to sign up for your class? (oh for a magic carpet!)....that looks like a great place to go -- for class or just a quiet walk.

  10. Good luck with your class. This looks like an amazing place!

    Next time I'm near Edinburgh ... :-)


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