
Wednesday 14 September 2011

7 x 7 Links

I was delighted when KC Woolf of The Woman Condition passed on the 7x7 Link Award to me, which asks participants to highlight their older blog posts in the following categories:

Most Beautiful
Most Helpful
Most Popular
Most Controversial
Most Surprisingly Successful
Most Underrated
Most Prideworthy

Most Beautiful
There are lots of photos of beautiful places in Scotland (and beyond!) on this blog, so I fairly randomly chose this post about Corstorphine Hill in Edinburgh.

Most Helpful

This might be this article on Reducing Plastic Use. It had a lot of hits and a few comments and was intended to be helpful, but I have no real way of knowing what people really find to be helpful!

Most Popular

By far the most popular post on Crafty Green Poet is Oil Spill Poetry which is a list of links to poetry about oil spills. This has had an amazing 1, 241 hits!

Most Controversial

I find it interesting that although I often post on issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss, I don't seem to cause a huge amount of controversy to show itself in the comments section. This post Climate Change - Lifestyle Change is probably one of posts that gets closest to actually causing any real controversy.

Most Surprisingly Successful

This is difficult to judge, but I'll go for Winter Morning - a prose poem, which was written for (the now defunct) Poetry Thursday and unsurprisingly got quite a few comments (29) but even for a Poetry Thursday post it got a lot of hits (233).

Most Underrated

Back when my blog was very young (6 years ago to be precise!) this post about Callanais in the Western Isles of Scotland received no comments.

Most Pride-worthy

Not sure about this one, I'm 'proud' of the fact that I've been blogging here for over five years and am happy with all my blog posts.

Bonus Category: Silliest

I thought I'd invent this category for this post about the Inner Life of our rabbit Anya.

I want to pass this on to the following seven bloggers, who've all been actively blogging for a while:

Pat at Weaver of Grass.
Annette at Dragon House of Yuen.
Michelle at Raspberry Rabbits.
Lucy of Out with Mo and Box Elder.
Alf of Day by Day (a new blog, which is an amalgamation of all his old blogs)
Selma in the City.
Deb of Stony Moss.

I'm interested to see what they'll all bring out of their archives! And feel free to join in even if you're not in the list!


  1. I like all your posts too. I read them all but I dont always comment because I am not always well=versed in what you are posting about! I am looking forward to seeing what Michelle May and Annette post!

  2. That's fascinating! And wow to the five years.

  3. This was fun and a real opportunity to become aware of some of your earlier writing. I will return and take my time in sorting through some of these that are listed. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun!

  4. Thank you Juliet. I am touched that you tagged me. Unfortunately I am trying to avoid getting involved in anything like that, so I will decline but I do thank you most sincerely for the compliment.

  5. Good call on the reducing plastic use, great article.

  6. Thanks for the tag! I have slid out of blogging and welcome the chance to think back.

    You have been ever-present in my own blogging life. So happy to have met you here and read your passions!


  7. Anonymous9:05 am

    I will certainly give it a go. It is interesting to look back over the archives and see what we've all written. I always enjoy everything you write. You have one of the best blogs around!


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!