
Friday 5 August 2011

Small copper butterfly

I've not seen many butterflies this year (unlike last year which was very good for butterfly sightings) but have seen the occasional small copper on Corstorphine Hill. This is one my my favourite butterflies, so small and so vibrant. This lunchtime, I was delighted to get this photo!


  1. I have never seen one here Juliet but we are beginning to get a few butterflies at last this year after a slow start.

  2. We haven't had as many butterflies either. That's a lovely one.

  3. Anonymous8:13 pm

    I am glad that we share this little butterfly. They are a favorite of mine, too. We haven't had any so far this year.

  4. Sweet little butterfly. Because of the extreme heat and drought this butterflies for us and our hummingbirds left early too. I miss them.

  5. We seem to have quite a few Speckled Woods about - and Common and Small Blues were in evidence back in June. The Summer Isles off Ullapool had wonderful lepidoptera ... including Burnet Moths.

  6. What a special photo. A beautiful butterfly.

  7. Lovely butterfly, it is a pretty one. Great photo.

  8. So pretty. I saw some big yellowy-green ones earlier in the week.

  9. Nice photo of a pretty one! A nice bunch of yellow swallowtails hanging about our yard flowers

  10. Thanks for stopping by. :) If you like join us on Weekendflowers with this lovely picture :) LG tina

  11. I´m glad you follow my invitation :) Would you like to link back to Weekendflowers? Thanks! :) Have a great weekend! LG Tina

  12. I don't doubt you were delighted. It's a delightful photograph! I, too, have not seen many butterflies this season, and most of those that I have seen have been white.

  13. It has been a bad year for butterflies here..bad weather didn't help....lovely photo...

  14. It's funny because I've seen more butterflies this year though I only get about 2 kinds flitting by the patio. Your photo of the butterfly is lovely.

  15. Last year seemed excellent for butterflys down our way - perhaps I just had my eyes open. Not so many this year

  16. Anonymous12:30 am

    Lovely photo - the flowers seem so soft and fluffy, next to the gorgeous coloured butterfly.

  17. This butterfly looks very pretty.

  18. Very pretty! I haven't seen many butterflies this year either. There were so many tiger swallowtails in early summer that I was sure this was going to be a great year. And then POOF!


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