
Friday 26 August 2011

Autumnal already

an autumnal palette of colours from the Rosebay Willowherb on Corstorphine Hill

autumnal stormy skies above Arthur's Seat as seen from Corstorphine Hill

a lovely display of puffballs on Corstorphine Hill


  1. Those puffballs are fantastic! I saw some good big yellowish earthballs in the woods today, but had no camera with me - I don't think they'd have been very photogenic but they were certainly autumnal.

    I like the willowherb colours very much too.

  2. Puffballs look like they could come from a Dr. Seuss illustration.

    I enjoy the photos; here I also felt a couple of days ago as if I was getting the first taste of autumn (a certain coolness in the wind). It's not upon us yet, but it's a foreshadowing.

  3. Those colors are absolutely gorgeous!

  4. Was that this afternoon? I was caught in continual rain and intermittent thunder in the northern Pentlands. I could just about make out Corstorphine Hill through the mist. I’d have waved if I’d known you were there!

  5. Lovely photos. It is still high summer in Zurich - over 30 degrees, but an almighty storm is blowing in tonight and tomorrow temperature is expected to plumet to 14 degrees. I guess autumn is about to arrive here too.

  6. Howard - it was lunchtime! Before the rain set in. Though it was probably already raining in the pentlands.

  7. Anonymous2:11 am

    Lovely photos - those puffballs are gorgeous :)

  8. No. No. Fall. Stay away. Don't come yet.

    The summer ripening is not yet through. The heat we need is over due.

    We'll let you know. Maybe two more weeks. Please?

  9. I think autumn is my favourite season, though spring runs it close. These are great pictures, particularly the colours and the puff balls.

  10. Falls creeping in here too. Still, hoping for a bit more nice weather to help a few more tomatoes ripen...

  11. Thanks very much for the comments left on my blog Amish Stories. And please be safe out there with Irene coming into our area. Richard from Amish Stories.

  12. I am longing for Autumn here....cant wait!

  13. Thanks for sharing the pics with us.

    Puffballs were fantastics


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