
Wednesday 22 June 2011

Edinburgh International Film Festival

As most readers of this blog will know, I have a press pass for Edinburgh International Film Festival and am positively overdosing on great films for the next two weeks. I'll be reviewing most of the films on this blog, but some will be on Over Forty Shades. I thought it might be useful to have an overview post with links to all the reviews. (I'll update this post as I review more films). This post will stay at the top of the blog throughout the festival so you can easily see which films I've reviewed. At the end of the festival I may choose a favourite film, though I can already see that will be very difficult. So here's the list (click on the links to read the reviews!):

1. Shut Up Little Man! (noise pollution, invasion of privacy & copyright issues. Documentary)
2. Calvet. (how art transformed one man's life. Documentary).
.......and an interview with Jean Marc Calvet and Dominic Allan the film director
3. Project Nim (can we teach chimpanzees to use language? Is it ethical to try? Documentary).
4. Borrower Arrietty (gorgeous anime based on Mary Norton's classic children's book The Borrowers).
5. Cityscapes (experimental short films about cities across the world)
6. Mysterious Object at Noon (surreal storytelling on a road trip through Thailand)
7. some thoughts on nature therapy after watching King of Devil's Island.
8. Convento (kinetic art made from reclaimed materials. Documentary.)
9. Off the Beaten Track (rural life in Rumania. Documentary.)
10. Burning Ice (art and science respond to climate change. Documentary.)
11. Almanya - Welcome to Germany (engaging drama about a Turkish family in Germany)
12. Albatross (a coming of age drama focussing on an aspiring writer)
13. Bike Powered Cinema - your chance to power a cinema by bike power!
14. A Better Life (drama about a Mexican family living in California)
15. Perfect Sense (romance against the backdrop of an unknown epidemic)


  1. I can't help thinking that Calvet will come high on your list after yesterday's review Juliet. Look forward to the rest.

  2. Sounds intriguing, Juliet. Thanks for sharing all of this here. I will be checking back for more from this award-winning blog! Best always, Daisy

  3. It is a great festival, i love much this city, remenber Military Tattoo Edimbourg festival,you have several festival, best regard from Belgium

  4. Thank you for these; I love reading about movies.

    Project Nim looks especially interesting, and close to some of my own interests in psychology, linguistics and research ethics, though I've never worked with animals.

  5. Anonymous1:40 am

    Sounds like fun :)

  6. What a deal! Keep the reviews coming? I would get a tired butt and brain!

  7. I have written a haiku in my blog. I know how you like them.

    Woodpigeons are very present with their typical cco-coo-cookoo-cooing in these days somewhere around my house on the outskirts of Venice and beyond.

  8. The best city where to live would be Edimburrgh with its festivals and not only, that goes unsaid...

  9. Hi Juliet,

    Thank you so much for sharing your list.
    I only wish that one day I could come and visit the Film Festival.
    I have had friends that have been and have enjoyed it very much.

    Happy weekend and enjoy the Festival

  10. Quite the rich list already. Each sounds like something I'd love to see, tho' especially Borrowers Arietty and Convento. Hmmm....will read your other posts on these...and hope some of them get picked up on any one of the more than 60 stations we of these days? (two of them run indie and documentary films, tho' I realize it will be awhile.

    Hey, we've installed a rain barrel at our house, at one of the gutter drains and it allows me to fill the watering cans and take care of ALL the flowers across the front of the house. I'm thinking we need more. It surely stirs up my "little house on the priarie" longing for simplicity.

    Enjoy the festival and thanks for sharing these with us!

  11. It will be so much fun to see which films you review and what your opinion is of each one of them. And it sounds like a great time for you as well!

  12. Sounds like a great project! Good luck with your reviews and have fun!

  13. LOL seeing all the films listed methinks you've done nothing but watch films, am so impressed you found time to write your wonderful reviews and visit bunny blogs :)

  14. Sounds like a fun time Juliet!
    xx, shell


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