
Friday 20 May 2011

Unthinkable Skies - the musical

On Wednesday, I picked up a sample copy of the CD of poetry from my chapbook Unthinkable Skies with music from Belvedere Mountain Express. It looks pretty good, doesn't it? The cover photo is the same as was used for the cover of the book and currently also features in the header of this blog, although it's a different detail of the photo in each case. It was taken in Caerlaverock in Dumfries and Galloway. You can see the original photo in this post. Howard of Belveder Mountain Express has done a great job in recording and mixing the CD (as well as composing and playing the music) and in designing and making the packaging (which includes the words to all the featured poems along with photos I've taken. The CD will be available from Monday 20 June from CD Baby, probably only as a download.

Meanwhile you can still buy Unthinkable Skies, the chapbook here.

Plus, I've had a couple of poems published recently:

Photo Album on Generations of Poetry (you probably need to scroll down to read it)


  1. That is an original one...

    And thank you for the discovery of the artist : it is very nice to listen, from what I tried on the web (I'm going to try find more of his music later...)

  2. Thanks for the information, Juliet! I like what I heard, too. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  3. The mix of clouds and water always makes a great result!very romantic!

  4. Wonderful, Juliet.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. unfortunately I don't know this at all.

  6. Those skies are really beautiful Juliet.

  7. Beautiful, beautiful! Will look up about the music -thanks for sharing your find with us! Enjoy your weekend:)

  8. Cor, well done! It does look yummy...

  9. Anonymous12:46 am

    The original photo sings.

  10. The cover photo is beautiful. Congrat on your poems being pulished, that is realy cool. Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Nice article, thanks for the information.

  12. Anonymous2:19 am

    Can't wait to get the cd (or download) :) Onwards and upwards.

  13. Love the photos on the cd and the cover. Happy weekend!

    Weekend Reflection

  14. Hi there - the world works in strange ways sometimes - I had never come across the term chapbook before and now I've read it twice in one day! Firstly in reference to the books that wives of Tudor landowners may have owned (and I admit that's an obscure reference!) and now on your blog!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  15. Congratulations! Terrific news altogether ~ will check it out.

  16. The CD looks great ... and congratulations on these poem publications, too, Juliet. What a roll!

  17. I've roamed all about, looking at your links. Well done! The photo is beautiful, and likewise the music. I'm so pleased for you!

  18. Hi Juliet,

    This is wonderful and you must be so happy to have your poems published and I love the cover photo.

    Happy weekend

  19. Congratulations Juliet! It's an honor to know you (virtually). I'm so impressed and am going back to listen now.

  20. Congratulations! That's amazing.


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