
Wednesday 4 May 2011

Computer woes

Our computer is out of action at the moment, so sorry for the lack of posts in the last couple of days! I hope to be back soon!

Meanwhile, we had a lovely walk today round Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh. We had good views of the heronry near Duddingston Loch and saw about seven heron nests all up in the trees on an island by the endge of the loch, some with the herons sitting in them!

We also had a very good view of 2 ravens (yes ravens!) flying around in the valley behind Arthur's Seat. They were kronking a good deal and were being chased by the carrion crows.


  1. Sorry to hear your computer is acting up, but good to know you are enjoying more lovely walks and seeing spring birds in action.

  2. Sorry to hear about the computer problems Juliet. I hope things get resolved soon.

    Wow, lucky you seeing ravens. I have only ever seen them with one wing clipped at the Tower of London. I had heard that they were making a comeback. I hope they make their way down south to us. It is amazing how crows and rooks chase off the bigger birds. We saw a couple of crows giving chase to a red kite the other day.

  3. Ravens and Arthur's Seat - they sound to go together very well. Love the new picture with that super sky.
    Hope the computer is soon better.

  4. Having just had the four-day power outage, I can certainly relate to your lack of computer access. I do hope things get resolved soon. In the meantime, enjoy your walks. Not having electronics was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because we spent so much more time outside "sightseeing" and enjoying the lack of noise and the dark night skies, but a curse because we couldn't share the experiences with our internet friends.

  5. Anonymous3:29 am

    I've been having computer problems too - very annoying - hope yours are fixed soon.

  6. Good luck getting digital again!

    Several bald eagles (adults and immatures) circling high today. I hope they did not have plans for the bunns who were out on our deck. It is time to hang out the bird-scarers!!!

  7. Hi Juliet,

    Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your computer and hope you have it back up and running again.
    How neat that you saw some ravens, on your walk.


  8. Hello Juliet, you are the first poet to visit my blogsite, and i appreciate your visit. Now i already have 3 visitors from Scotland, a country long been in my dreams to visit by only stay in my dreams!

  9. Nice to hear your lovely nature report, despite the nasty computer report.

    Herons and ravens sound like a treat.


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