
Thursday 28 April 2011

Tree Year

The cherry trees, even the pink ones, are already mostly past their best, I took the above photo by the Water of Leith yesterday, while the photo below goes back a few days more, when they were still at their best.

I finally managed to get a decent photo of the male hornbeam catkins, see below, this is on one of the hornbeams in the group along the Water of Leith, that I photographed in this post.

And finally, this is an apple tree in the 'Hidden Meadow' near Redhall Gardens along the Water of Leith. I took the photo yesterday, and the air was full of birdsong and the sun was shining beautifully. A perfect Spring day.


  1. Oooh!!
    Exquisite photos!
    The best I've seen of the hornbeams.

  2. Beautiful blossoms. Ours are beginning to fade and fall this week.

  3. I love your blossom! I fear though that it has all come so early this year - but a bumper show, all the same.

  4. That's beautiful, thanks for sharing.

    Cherry blossoms are one of my favorite parts of spring.

  5. Anonymous8:39 pm

    Now, this is what spring is supposed to look like!

  6. This is a precious post..pretty awesome!

  7. Anonymous10:09 am

    So glad you're blogging the trees - these are lovely and so very evocative of spring.


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