
Wednesday, 13 April 2011

House Sparrow

Crafty Green Boyfriend took this photo when we were in Bonaly on Saturday. The hedge was full of house sparrows gathering nesting material and chatting away. It's nice to see them these days, as their numbers have decreased so drastically across the UK. They've disappeared from a lot of places, but where they still live, there's generally a lot of them together. You can read more about Saturday's walk here.

For Nature Notes.

Joanne Ezekiel recently published my poem Amazonia on her My Delayed Reactions blog, you can read it here.


  1. There is an apparent decline in the house sparrow but we've got plenty in this neck of the woods too - might be being rural that does it.

  2. shortage of the cute little guys here..I always have a few families in my pine tree along with some finches.

  3. House sparrows have never declined here Juliet - mainly I think because theyhave access throughout the day to our chicken house and a goodly supply of corn!

    We also have tree sparrows - two pairs nest in our nest boxes and they are a joy to watch.

  4. How sad that house sparrows are declining!

  5. Anonymous10:34 pm

    We still have plenty, they just come back from somewhere. I love this shot, Juliet.

  6. Anonymous1:32 am

    What! Even the house sparrow is disappearing - argh. I love that poem.

  7. Such a sweet photo.

    Great to hear about your poetry! Maybe a whole new audience will enjoy your word art :)

  8. Some birds made a nest on my neighbors door. I'll have to take their photo tomorrow. They are so sweet and I know you will enjoy them.
    xx, shell

  9. It has been so cold and dreary our birds still are walking around in their winter underwear.

  10. What a little cutie. We seem to have plenty here, but this makes me want to pay more attention to their numbers.

  11. What a sweet photo of a busy little bird!

  12. Cute shot!
    I wonder why their numbers are decreasing in the UK?

  13. I am trying not to feed them here as they take over the nests of native birds often with violence and they are decreasing where you are.. It is very strange as they do belong with you and are non-native here...Michelle

  14. What a wonderful photo, and I just love your poem, very poignant.
    thanks for sharing


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