
Thursday 24 March 2011

Woodland Trust Creative Campaigning

The Woodland Trust is devoted to saving the UK's forests and has been particularly active in the face of the UK Coalition Government's plans to sell off England's forests. (The Government has seen some sense at least thankfully and the plans have been abandoned, though the future of England's forests is probably still not certain.)

One of the things I particularly like about the Woodland Trust is the fact that they have a Creative Campaigning section to their website. This is full of poetry, art, films and other creative responses to woodlands and is well worth browsing. I was delighted to be contacted recently by the Woodland Trust and asked to contribute a page about haiku. You can read this page here.


  1. I love all three of your haiku! Congrats & well done, especially good word combinations.

    I will now browse the site... :)

  2. I love your haikus and the creative campaigning idea of the woodland trust is great.

  3. Thanks for those links Juliet. I enjoyed your haiku very much and also the tree paintings. I am so happy that so many people love trees and woodland. I think if the Government's absurd bill had continued the numbers of protestors would have risen enormously.

  4. So glad they have stopped selling off the forests for now! Love your Haikus, especially the one about the beach trees.

  5. Anonymous2:43 am

    Great explanation of haiku (short and sweet) and love your contributions - good news about the forests.

  6. Great work - I may have to try a poem myself!

    Let's see - what did Juliet say was important in a poem ... hmmmm

  7. Anonymous7:55 am

    Your haikus are lovely, they always make me feel of something positive and new - as for the government there will be an even bigger protest on Saturday - watch this space as it is going to be HUGE! I will be there, if you see me, please wave! ;)


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