
Thursday 3 March 2011

Seasonal Confusion

beech leaves and hazel catkins


  1. The tulips beside my dryer ventilation are always confused at this time of year.

  2. nice photo..I am confused this time of the year!!!!

  3. Do beech trees have catkins or are they hazel catkins mixed among the beech? Our catkins are out and it is always such a marvellous and uplifting sight.

  4. The seasons matter little... I'm so often confused.

    green surges
    through this lingered snow
    newer trust

    As always, Juliet. _m

  5. Weaver - yes the catkins are both uplifting and belong to the beech!

    Kay, Mimi yes its a confusing time of year!

  6. Anonymous9:05 pm

    Our beech trees are still under snow, so I am almost sure they are bare.

    I have seen stranger things, though.

  7. Any tree that's been sitting outside getting used to the rhythmes of the seasons for a century or so is bound to be confused over the weather goings on over the last couple of years - I am and I've seen most of from behind a pane of glass.

  8. Weaver - I've been reading and now I'm confused! Some beeches have catkins like this but not our beeches so you may be right, they may be hazel catkins....

  9. I`m pretty sure those are hazel catkins mixed up among the beech branches. The buds of each tree look quite different. Our beech buds are losing their outer scaly coverings and getting ready to swell and open.

    A lovely photo, whatever they are!

  10. We have the same thing here. So weird.

    Juliet, my blog post today was for you. I photographed the second quilt and it's message with you in mind. Enjoy!

    xx, shell

  11. Confused about the season here is a a mighty understatement! Looks like winter, feels like fall and the calendar says almost spring.

    But - a little patience and spring and all the blooms will be here!

  12. Dartford Warbler, you're right, see my previous comment to Weaver, I've now also updated the caption to the photo

  13. Anonymous9:13 am

    Everything is confused. It is Autumn here at hotter than ever, and wetter than ever.

  14. timid leaves to fall
    and a beautiful blue
    Greetings from Barcelona


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