
Tuesday 8 March 2011

Ferns and cog wheels

I took these two photos of the fern Asplenium nigram growing on an old industrial wall alongside the Water of Leith this morning. I think they demonstrate nature's ability to regenerate and to take over human sites that are abandoned.


  1. my mind went to the scripture which says " consider the lilies of the field..." from The Sermon on The Mount
    much love...

  2. Anonymous10:25 pm

    It couldn't be prettier. You have such an eye for beauty.

  3. Thanks! We've got that one on a certain wall down here, and I've wondered what it was.

    Beautiful shots.

  4. Absolutely love these photos and all they represent!

  5. It makes for a beautiful sculpture and the ferns suggest that nature will endure.

  6. I was thinking of the scripture "Man comes and goes, but the earth abides." Around here, nature can get aggressive about reclaiming anything people leave behind; in 20 years even an abandoned house can be hard to spot.

  7. great images - it's incredible how resilient nature can be!

  8. The ferns have found their own ecological niche :) The contrast between the soft curly greenery and the hard rock wall makes for a perfect combination. Interesting how the curved wheel melds the two extremes. Super photos ~ they'd be great prints to have on your wall :)

  9. These ferns are tenacious@ They are so pretty where they are growing.

  10. I like the ferns very much. Wonder how they feel when you run your hand over them.

  11. It's amazing how plants can thrive at the most surprising places! Great find.

  12. There are some lovely things to be seen along the Water of Leith. The industrial/nature combination makes for a good picture. Alas on my wander yesterday the poly bag/nature combination doesn't look so good - The dippers nesting under Stockbridge bridge didn't seem to mind though.

  13. Love these photos! I'm always so in awe of how nature creeps in...

  14. A very good demonstation Juliet. I love ferns...Michelle

  15. Beautiful Picture!


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