
Sunday 6 March 2011

Bogs Bridge

Bogs Bridge across the Water of Leith has now been repaired and is open again - as promiased a few days ago here are some photos. The masonry has been repaired and new green handrails have been added, which detract somewhat from the view, I think!


  1. I am always completely fascinated by little bridges like this. No idea, why!

  2. Perfect invitation for a Sunday walk!

    Help! I need your help! I have digged through my old archives and came up with a photo of an arched bridge in Leith. On the quay, there's a wonderful bench with a statue of a man on it. I took the photo last time I was in Edinburgh, ages ago, in 2001. Do you know what I'm talking about and if yes, could you tell me who it is because I couldn't find any notes... Thanks!

  3. It turned out lovely....and is such a romantic little bridge. I am so glad you showed it to us wearing its spiffy new outfit. She’s ready for spring and lots of big and little feet crossing her.

  4. I'm in total agreement about the ugly hand rails. Stone bridges are absolutely wonderful!

    Why is it "authorities" feel the need to protect people from themselves??

  5. Such a peaceful little bridge!

  6. Lovely bridge, shame about the rails.

  7. Such a great capture. I'm not fussy on the handrails.

  8. Anonymous11:32 pm

    Argh those handrails are a bit of overkill for such a little bridge - ruins the simplicity of the lovely bridge.

  9. Anonymous11:54 pm

    I'll take the distraction to keep such a beautiful structure open and accessible! Awesome shots!

  10. I just like that name - Bogs Bridge. There's a story right there, in the name.

  11. Looks great.

    Got to have a hand rail. Same with decks around here. And, it has to have uprights close enough together for a child to not get thru! Lots of folks put them up, have the inspection, and take them down!

  12. I agree with you as to the handrails but it's a lovely bridge.

  13. I agree with HKatz. It's a nice name and I also like stone bridge!

  14. Anonymous12:22 pm

    It's a lovely bridge, and I'm sure there's a good reason for those handrails, but still...


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