
Tuesday 18 January 2011

chopstick bag

I've made a couple of chopstick bags from reused materials recently. One I gave to my sister for her birthday, you can see that one over on Flickr here. Then I've made the one in this photo and I have enough of the same fabric to make another two. If you have signed up for my handmade giveaway 2011 and you would like one of these chopstick bags, please let me know. If you are in the UK and would like one, even if you aren't in the giveaway, let me know and you might be lucky! The bags are all made from the same fabric but the ties and details will vary.


  1. Hey, I'll have to copy this! It's small and simple enough to sew by hand while I watch TV, and that way I won't keep chopsticks in plastic bags :)

  2. This is a great idea. Love it.

  3. Anonymous8:48 pm

    That is a neat idea, and it could be used for fondue forks, too.

  4. That bag would make a nice carrying case for knitting needles or crochet hooks as well.


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