
Friday 31 December 2010


New Year revellers -
the urban fox pokes its head
through the garden gate.

for a river of stones


  1. Happy New Year dear friend! Wishing you all the best in this Year of The Rabbit!
    xx, shell

  2. That is quite something you've got there. I like the contrasting scenes...

  3. Happy New Year!

    the image of the urban foxes reminds me of the ones I used to see in the wooded section of campus in the evenings as I was driving home.

  4. Love your haiku--it's a great celebration of the new year! I'm looking forward to seeing what my first bird of the new year will be tomorrow morning. Your fox peeking through the gate is a wonderful image.

  5. We saw a fat furry fox on San Juan Island. There are signs - "A fed fox is a dead fox" It took me awhile to "get" it! They are pretty fearless.

  6. My fox hasn't been around for a bit! I love this haiku. Hope your new year is great. I am going out to see the stars

  7. .... and I hope the fox got lots of left-overs to eat. :O) Nice haiku.

  8. Anonymous12:54 pm

    I really like this because I can see it happening. It has a 'Wind In The Willows' feel to it. The fox is wondering what all the hullabaloo is about. Very nice. Happy New Year to you. I am looking forward to reading more of your wonderful writing!

  9. Good haiku Juliet, No sign of foxes for me last night - Hullaballoo must have scared them off.

    Have an excellent New Year.

  10. Anonymous8:36 pm

    He probably wondered what was up.


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