
Monday 8 November 2010

More autumn birds

I extended my walk along the Water of Leith today to Balgreen where I have heard there have been waxwings in the past few days. I didn't see any. However I did see a nice large flock of redwings, a lovely mixed flock of finches and tits including a lot of bullfinches (so nice to see this bright finch in good numbers, it had declined quite drastically but more recently has recovered). Also separate flocks of long tailed tits in three places along the river. Some of them came really close to me and I could see the markings on their heads. Long tailed tits are one of my favourite birds, and are found in great number in many places in Edinburgh at this time of year, so I thought I'd use that as an excuse to repost the haiku and tanka below:

willow tree -
long tailed tits leap
branch to branch


at the piano
I struggle to bring to life
the notes on the stave -
outside, long tailed tits flutter
in the bare branches


  1. We get a few unusual bird landing on the ship from time to time. Usually futile for them as we are completely treeless and have nothing to offer an exhausted bird 100 miles from home. Have to admit being a bit of a haiku liker myself. This from a few years ago :-

    Alone, a goldcrest
    sits on the ship railings.
    No change in the wind.

  2. I like you comparison of playing the notes on a piano and the long tailed tits dancing in the bushes.

    I would love to see waxwings too - they seem to be everywhere but here. I think their favourite berry is the rowan and our rowan berries disappeared months ago.

  3. I like your verses, Juliet!
    __Recently here, the beautiful but raucous Blue Jays... have lingered!

    blue jays
    discuss this cold rain
    each drop


  4. I enjoyed reading your post today ~ how wonderful to be out walking and see the Autumn birds.

    Have a happy week

  5. I love the willow haiku Juliet. Your haiku's often inspire me to create some triptych art. I took a class years ago from a lady that would incorporate both. It has always stuck with me. One day I will get to it.
    xx, shell

  6. The great Trumpeter Swans and the Snow Geese have arrived here on their wintering grounds. Thousands and thousands. They are very impressive but the numbers are becoming a nusiance to the winter fields they work and also to their limited home nesting grounds. Like the Bald Eagles here, sometimes we are too nice to them and do not let Ms. Nature manage the yield a little more.

    But we are trying to learn! No wonder the rabbits disapprove so.

  7. Anonymous5:16 am

    I love the comparative image of the tits in the bare branches with the notes - very creative Crafty Green Poet

  8. Lovely images, beautiful juxtapostions, Juliet ... and I enjoyed the Haiku in the comments section, too!

  9. another amazing sharing; glad i stopped by

    much love

  10. Anonymous10:36 pm

    I like this. And I do believe the birds would hearing you at the piano, too.

  11. the notes on the stave -

    I never really thought about it until now but there is something autumnal about the word 'stave'; just the way it sounds.

    Thanks for sharing your poems; they're such lovely snapshots of life and nature.


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