
Tuesday 23 November 2010

Art Exhibitions

There are several excellent art exhibitions on in Edinburgh at the moment. Three of them are on at the newly refurbished City Art Centre. One Floor of the gallery is devoted to Ian Hamilton Finlay the poet, artist and gardener, featuring beautifully atmospheric photos of his poetic garden Little Sparta. This exhibition is on until 6 March 2011.

Two floors are devoted to Window to the West: The Rediscovery of Highland Art, a varied exhibition of art from the Scottish Highlands, including lovely landscapes and an artist's book from Frances Walker and Sea Journals - beautiful pieces that combine assemblages and drawings from Elizabeth Ogilvie. This exhibition is on until 6 March 2011.

The top floor of the gallery is filled with Spirit of Air, an exhibition of Lizzie Farey's willow sculptures. Most of these are abstract, either hanging on the wall or as basket type pieces. My favourites are the swallows and also the pieces that include the furry willow catkins, this is an exhibition where it is difficult to not touch the exhibits. This exhibition is on until 27 February 2011.

The other art exhibition that is particularly worth seeing is Gray Stuff an exhibition of Alasdair Gray's designs for book covers, theatre posters and other of his illustrations. Some of his notebooks are on display too, which offer a fascinating insight into his process as a writer and illustrator. This exhibition is on until 11 December at the Talbot Rice Gallery, which is part of the University of Edinburgh.

As ever, red text in this post links to external websites where you can find out more! 


  1. Thanks for the heads up on the Ian Hamilton Finlay exhibition, the others at the City Art Centre sound good too.

  2. WOW! Such amazing stuff. I particularly loved the Alasdair Gray link...beautiful.

    And how wonderful would it be to have our poems in a garden?

    Have a lovely week!

  3. Ok - here is my trip itinerary to the exhibitions. I walk to our main road. Hitch a ride to the nearest bus stop. Make connections to the ferry terminal. Take the ferry to Sydney BC. Hike across Vancouver Island. Throw myself upon a large drift-log to float across the Pacific, landing at the Western terminus of the Trans Siberian Railway where I ride atop a coach to ... oh wait. The I-net! What a concept!

    Sorry - it is just that you give us such neat things to do in Scotland but we are so far away!

  4. Wow, I'd really like to get to the Alasdair Gray one.
    And the Ogilvie sounds fascinating too. The dates for the first three make them sound achievable, but the Gray will be a push.
    Thanks for the info.

  5. Rabbit's Guy - just think then how I feel when you post all those photos of all your adorable bunnies and I can't get to see them in real life!

  6. What interesting artists. My bunnies would make quick work of Lizzie's sculptures.

  7. Anonymous4:33 pm

    I'm going to see the Alasdair Gray exhibition tomorrow and I can't wait! Thanks for the tip about the exhibitions in the City Art Centre.


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