
Thursday 2 September 2010

Organic Fortnight 3 - 17 September 2010

Organic Fortnight starts tomorrow! This year's theme is Choosing Organic Every Day and aims to show people that it isn't necessarily expensive to buy organic and that where it is more expensive that there is good reason. During the Fortnight I will use several blog posts to talk about organic issues and to share some more unusual organic products and experiences to show that there is a wealth of organic out there!

I know that some readers of this blog will be also blogging on organic issues during the Fortnight. I will link to as many of these posts as I am aware of. So if you are blogging for Organic Fortnight, this is your reminder that the campaign starts tomorrow and please remember to let me know you're joining in!

Soil Association Scotland will focus on organic producers and activities during the Fortnight, both on their blog and via Twitter.

There is a piece about Behind the Scenes at Organic Fortnight on the Information Officers' Support Group Blog here.

Organikal is supporting Organic Fortnight.

Zero Waste Week focuses this year on Food and Drink waste and there will be some joint campaigning.

For readers in the USA, the whole of September is Organic Harvest Month!


  1. Humans and Bunnies her eat %100 organic produce. Pellets unfortunately are not organic and the hay isn't either....

  2. Ooh, this sounds interesting! I shall try to participate in some way! Organic for us is just kind of normal, as in, it'd be weird to put things on our veg in the allotment rather than not... still, I'll give it a ponder and see if I can come up with a post or two :)

  3. I have found a being familiar with the prices of produce from the available organic stores is the best way to keep the price within reason. I do not shop organic nearly enough but it is something I try to do when I get a chance. I will make an effort to increase my organic purchases.

  4. On cue for tomorrow, Juliet. Blog post written ...

  5. I did not know it was organic fortnight, thank you for putting me in the picture. I will see if I can come up with a post. If not, I will enjoy reading yours xJ

  6. Anonymous12:45 am

    I've posted my blog for organic fortnight (Australia is a day ahead I think) - It's about toxic chemicals and developmental disorders

    I'll try to write a poem too.

  7. I try to eat as many organic things as possible. I'm looking forward to reading more.
    Thanks Juliet!
    xx, shell and sugie bunny

  8. Thanks for mentioning Organikal, Juliet :)

    Some cool posts coming your way soon! Here's to a fabulous fortnight.


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