
Monday 6 September 2010

Green Tea

I love drinking tea but have long intended to cut down on the amount of black tea I drink and replace it with green tea, which contains extra anti-oxidants and less caffeine so is better for you. I started drinking almost entirely green tea about a week ago and so far its working fine!

I always drink organic tea, the local wholefood shops in Edinburgh stock a nice selection of organic green teas. So that's the connection with Organic Fortnight.

The connection with Zero Waste Week is probably less obvious. I always use loose leaf tea as this cuts down on excess paper use in tea bags. Additionally if I'm drinking green tea I can fill up the tea ball with tea leaves first thing in the morning and keep using the same tea all day without any loss in taste. Doing this with black tea just doesn't work for me, as black tea quickly loses its taste if reused. Once I've used the tea as much I can, I add it to the compost.

As I've mentioned in a previous post, I reuse the foil wrapping from tea packaging to make small envelopes for small greetings cards. The cardboard box I usually put into the packaging recycling though I sometimes use it in craft projects. By reusing my tea as described above then I'll have fewer tea boxes to reuse or recycle. I'll also save money by buying less tea.

Read what other bloggers are saying about Organic Fortnight:

Organikal blogpost on Organic Fortnight
Organikal Organic Challenge
a poem about cosmetics and chemicals by Gabrielle Bryden


  1. Green is gentler internally and on the environment....I drink mine out of a bunny mug.

  2. D.moll - I guessed you would! I have several mugs, the one that i most like drinking out of isn't actually a pretty one but is the perfect shape...

  3. Anonymous3:04 pm

    I never had Green Tea but Yes, will try very soon after reading the post.

  4. I have recently made the switch to Green Tea as well. I'm particularly loving Green Tea and Mint by Hampstead Tea Co. I never used to like green but seem to have made my tastebuds make the switch!

  5. Bravo for you. Excellent ideas you've shared here.
    Plus, green tea is tasty, I've found!

  6. tea is good; i drink both black and green; but lots of water is good too; thanks for sharing the link to the poem 'Cocktail Party'; much love


  7. I had some green chai tea that was really wonderful. I can only smile at all your choices and how they support life on our lovely planet. I like the ritual of using loose tea, something really sweet about that.

  8. I love green tea and herbal teas!

  9. I did have a green tea period, but back to black at the moment. Thanks for reminding me of the better things to do!

  10. Oh! I didn't know you could keep reusing green tea in ta ball for several cups! I'll have to try that as I also believe it's a healthy beverage.

  11. I just made some green tea

  12. Wish I liked the taste more - but it is really good for you, green tea. Thanks for the link again :)

  13. you are just so smart my friend.
    xx, shell

  14. I really should be thinkin green tea as well.I drink so much coffee.Good blog my friend.


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