
Thursday 30 September 2010

Environmental Writing Course

I've just started teaching a course on Environmental Writing for The University of Edinburgh's Office of Lifelong Learning. A couple of people mentioned on Facebook that they would be interested in doing this course as an e-learning course. So after discussing it with my supervisor, I am now able to offer this course as an e-learning opportunity for people who live outside the UK. (This is to avoid undermining the viability of the course at the University and to avoid making arbitrary decisions about UK geography). In the first instance I'm offering it as a FREE pilot course, using weekly email exchanges and asking every participant to fill out an evaluation form so that I can assess how successful the course is and whether it is worth offering in the future, including the possibility of developing it as an online group learning experience.

The original two people who expressed interest will be taking this course and I am opening it up to probably another three people. So if you regularly comment on this blog or are a friend of mine on Facebook, live outside the UK and are interested in taking this course as an online learning opportunity then please let me know why you're interested in the comments below and I'll put names in a hat and choose!

The e-learning course will start sometime soon after I finish teaching the course at the University, probably mid-November.


  1. What a cool idea!

    I would love to participate in the pilot. I have a Ph.D in English, though... does that make me a bad candidate, or would I still be able to participate?

    You can check out my blog (and you have) to see that I write quite a bit about nature... though I would definitely fit more into the nature-loving mould than the environmentalist mould. I believe in preserving the environment, but I do not tend to express myself politically in that regard.

  2. That sounds amazing. Shame its only running for those outside the UK, I'd love to do it. Maybe when you get it all sorted and the pilot has run you could run it as an e-learning course to others too. I'm doing a 'writing with intent' e-course at bangor Uni right now, through the Life Long Learning plan. If you need any extra 'bums on seats' to make the pilot work, let me know.

  3. Anonymous4:13 pm

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  4. This sounds great. I'm sure it will fill soon. I'd love to participate, but not sure I have time at present. Could you send more info to my blog email (gmail) address?

  5. That sounds like a wonderful idea. I would have some interest in the course although I don't know how much time I could devote to it. I would love to participate and expand my world a little bit.

  6. Sounds a splendid idea Juliet - pity I live in the UK

  7. Put me down!!! I will work hard, behave, follow directions, and bring my own lunch!

  8. Oh .. missed some of your instructions in my excitement.

    I work and volunteer with several of the local groups and agencies involved with our local natural environment here in the Skagit Valley of NW Washington State, US of A.

    My special interest is in preserving our rural atmosphere and life style without devastating our natural resources (mainly timber, fish, and farmland) here. I work in education efforts and also "in the field" work parties.

    In the past I provided a regular blog via our local newspaper - about various local environmental issues - until that service was discontinued. I continue to look for ways to communicate my interests, information, and concerns - the various local groups all having periodic newsletters that will publish such - if well enough written!

    I can use the help for better communication!


  9. What a wonderful opportunity and great idea! Good luck with this venture and make sure you tell us all how it works out. Very exciting.

  10. Hi Juliet,

    Good for you, what an amazing opportunity.

    My name is Alex, and I am definitely interested in participating, if there is still space. I find that when I'm trying to talk about places I've been, I end up with cliche phrases and wording that never quite... comes close to the actual scene. I usually write with a focus on sustainability, and especially ecotourism (by default).

    Best of luck with the course.

  11. So wonderful...can't wait to hear how it goes. You are perfect for this!

  12. hello, it's been awhile since chatting with you... met you along the way of poetic prompts but it's been awhile since coming by... if there's room left i would love to participate... i live in the inland northwest usa ... renee

  13. That is a wonderful idea but I am late to chime in.....Michelle


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