
Wednesday 25 August 2010

Late Summer

I walked through the fields behind my office today as I do every lunchtime. The ripening wheat is ochre in colour, the rosebay willowherbs are turning to seed. The brown lambs are distinctly adolescents now, plump and fluffy. A red admiral butterfly flew low in front of me. Then a sudden chatter of a group of house martins above my head, joined by a couple of swallows. All excitement for their forthcoming journeys south. Summer is drawing to a close.


  1. Ah, but she is still weaving her magic xJ

  2. Anonymous10:16 pm

    Yes, it is that time of the year. Autumn is my favorite season, so I am looking forward to it.

    How nice that you can get out and walk on your lunch break. I would love to live where I could see lambs everyday. Sound like you have a neat job.

  3. I'm loving watching my apples and pears ripen. Beautiful season.

  4. I do believe that is one of the most beautiful lunch breaks I have ever heard of! I felt like I was right there with you. Thank you for such a delightful break. I am so ready for the Fall season.
    xx, shell and sugie bunny

  5. Yup - the great harvests here are just beginning - the wheat is being collected and mowed. The potatoes have their tops mowed off. Blackberries being picked in earnest ...

  6. What a lovely walk. I could close my eyes and see it.

    Here in Alabama, the cotton is blooming and bolls forming. It will be harvested in October when the fields look as though they are covered in snow.

  7. i can't believe summer is already coming to an end. it went so fast. but, i have been enjoying some cooler mornings lately with the wind breezing through the screen door of my house. your walk sounds so nice, as always hope all is well.

  8. The thought of Edinburgh brings a happy smile to my face. I loved it there. It sounds like you have a beautiful lunchtime walk.

    I can smell the end of summer in the air when I'm on the trails now.

  9. Lucky you to have such a wonderful place to go for a stroll during your lunch break. The arrival of autumn is one of the most magical times of year for me.
    House Martins - they're one of my favourites too, alongside swifts and swallows.
    We had several darting low above the field we were camping in on a farm near Whitby the other week - they really were delightful!

  10. And we are just about to head into Spring. Sound like a lovely lunch break.

  11. Yes Juliet - our swallows are gathering on the wire and chattering excitedly about their forthcoming journey.


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