
Saturday 28 August 2010

Late Summer (2)

Crafty Green Boyfriend has been most impressed with all my stories of my lunchtime walks through the fields near my office so today I took him there so he could see for himself! He also took the photos that I've posted here.
I had hoped that we would see good numbers of house martins and swallows as there are good numbers of them round here but we only saw one swallow, flying low over the fields.
We were however delighted to see a bird that I've never seen around these fields before and which is struggling across the UK.

windhovering - a kestrel hangs above shimmering fields of wheat.

if anyone has any idea what type of butterfly or moth this caterpillar will grow up to be, please let me know!


  1. A wonderful post. The poppy photo is stunning - really unusual colouring - love it!

    You might like to see some more furry caterpillars here ...

  2. Amazing pictures. The poppy is completely spectacular. Not sure about the wee beastie, but what a cutie!

  3. beautiful photos Juliet! your lunches sound perfect, refreshing and soul enhancing being amongst nature!
    I saw a few swallows today, might be time for them to leave soon?
    and thanks for the link to the zero waste, I have added my 2p worth - with a tip on tea bags,
    kind regards, Annette

  4. We have swallows around here - they are an Australian species, the welcome swallow, but I believe they are quite similar to the swallows seen in Britain. I'm not sure if they leave for the winter or not - I think they may stick around all the time.

  5. The poppy looks so beautiful amongst the dried grass. How exciting that you saw a new bird to that area!

  6. glad you and Crafty Boyfriend were able to take a walk together and spot a windhovering kestrel. i'm sure that was exhilarating to see. hope all is well.

  7. Crafty Green Boyfriend is a very good photographer - these are lovely photos.

  8. I'd really like to find a good insect guide... I'm always finding little critters like that and wondering what they will become. The photo of the wheat and poppy is just beautiful!

  9. I dont know much about the caterpillar Im afraid but that poppy is just gorgeous.(Mr.Cataillar is very attractive too)


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