
Friday 16 July 2010

International Mail

I got two international parcels today. One was a copy of the book 1001 Pearls of Wisdom by David Ross, which I won in a prize draw that Michelle held over on The Raspberry Rabbits. The book was beautifully wrapped, it almost seemed a shame to unwrap it. (Sadly I can't share a photo of it as my camera has broken again.) The parcel also included some very delicious raspberry filled dark chocolate. So thank you very much for that Michelle!

The other was a collection of postcards from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and a framed haiga singed by their astronaut Naoko Yamazaki as a prize in Naoko's haiku competition. You can read the prize winning haiku at:


  1. Congratulations! And enjoyed the Earth-Space haiku.

  2. Congratulations! I also enjoyed your haiku..

  3. Congratulations! It's fun to get free stuff.

  4. Woo Hoo! Loot! Good going ...

  5. Well done, Juliet. A great Haiku, capturing the world so naturally I almost missed the 5-7-5.

    The choc. sounded wonderful, too!

  6. well done and what a fab prize. Lovely image.

  7. Wow!!!!!! You must be so excited. Lovely space haiku and talk about a lot of competition (look how many entries!). I'd love to meet a real astronaut ;)


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