
Sunday 11 July 2010

Black Flood

Black Flood is an online journal of poetic responses to the Gulf Oil Spill. The idea is to publish poetry about the disaster in a timely manner (if you submit your poem to an average journal it will be months before your poem sees the light of day and we need immediate responses, in poetry as much as in clean up measures).

I'm delighted that one of my poems Slick has been recently included on Black Flood (currently the second poem on the main page).

The site also includes poetry from regular visitors to this blog including Kat Mortensen and Angie Werren.


  1. Congrats on your poem! I like the way people are collectively and creatively pulling together to call attention to the Gulf Oil Spill.

  2. Lots of creative feeling there..

  3. Poignant message is made much more deeply when written in poetic verses. Great stuff!

  4. I wrote a poem about this a few weeks ago when it first happened. I will have to check this link out! Thanks!


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