
Saturday 3 July 2010

Bees Knees

Look at the knees on this bee! I took this photo a while ago and first posted it in this post. I'm reposting it now as James of Coyote Mercury had commented on my recent bee haiku that he didn't realise bees really had knees. Actually they're not knees as such, but pollen sacs, where the bees collect pollen to take it back to the hive.
Annette at Dragon House of Yuen shared an inspiring post about bees including some lovely crafts inspired by bees. You can read it here.
Bees are having a hard time just now. You can find out more about their plight and how to help them at Bumblebee Conservation Trust and The Co-operative's Plan Bee.


  1. what a great photo -- love the yellow! (nice knees, too!)

  2. Wow, how did you get that pic? It's beautiful. Or rather, it's the bee's knees!

  3. Nice pict.! The Bird Chick blog (from Disapproving Rabbits) often posts about her work with bees - very interesting.

  4. That's an awesome photo - the bee set off against the metal (if that is metal?) ornament. Here's to the bee ;)

  5. I have been reading quite a lot lately about the plight of the bees. I am glad the message is getting out more and people are becoming more aware. We did our bit today by rescuing a bee who had settled in the middle of a busy country path. We relocated him to some wild flowers.

  6. That is a wonderful photo. And a wonderful little creature.

  7. you offer a very rich blog, on many levels.
    I feast when I visit!
    thanks for reading and commenting!
    Happy bees knees,

  8. You have a great eye for detail (it informs your poetry, too!).

    Love this photo. The bee looks rather pettable.

  9. what an excellent photo - and I nearly forgot about bee's knees until I read through your post :)

  10. I thought perhaps it was a distortion of 'business', so 'he thinks he's the business/bee-knees', but who knows?

    Bees are indeed wonderful and threatened.

  11. I love the close-up of its bristling body and pollen-sac knees.

  12. Bees are having a difficult time over here too. I like this photo a lot. :)

  13. I love the chubby bumblebees in my garden. They like to buzz around my trumpet vine which is full of yummy juice.

  14. Anonymous3:30 am

    I worry quite a bit about bees, knees and all. I wonder who came up with that expression?

  15. heard about the bees knees but i don't think i've ever actually looked at them before.


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