
Friday 4 June 2010

spring bird haiku

beaks already full -
parent blackbirds collect
more grubs


  1. Yes - they are really working hard at present, aren't they - yet the cock finds time to sing for hours on our highest tree.

  2. Anonymous9:13 pm

    I just ran out to my garden to take a shot of a plant one of my friends gave me. I wanted her to see how well it is doing. Anyway, there was a baby robin next to it with it's mouth open, waiting for mama. When she came, I saw that the young one was bigger than she was. She fed him, and flew off for more grubs.

  3. Beautiful! those hard working parents, to be admired!

  4. Wonderful spring image. Beautiful banner picture -- what kind of flower is that?

  5. our trees are noisy with fledged we can use our bathroom vent fan again!

  6. Weaver - yes our cock blackbird sings constantly, his favourite perch is a telephone aerial but he has a couple of others.

    gardenpath - apparently a bird is at its fattest just as it is ready to leave the nest, they need the fat!

    Annette - definitely to be admired!

    Freckles and Deb - horse chestnut!

    Kay - they were nesting in your vent fan? Wow!

  7. Great-tailed Grackles are starting their second broods. I watch them carry stuffed beaks of grass and wonder at their industry! A nest in the ash tree that wasn't there a few days ago is now occupied by a female grackle putting finishing touches on a new home.

  8. Yes! They remind me of that dog in Aesop who saw his own reflection with the meat in his mouth, grabbed for it, dropped the meat and went home with nothing!

    Thanks for the links about marine conservation, btw.

  9. I like how this poem captures the ravenous appetite of the young and the hard work of the parents.

  10. Beautiful!

    At the boys' school all the classes have got a remote camera feed to a bluetit's nest in the grounds and they're watching the parents feeding five chicks on the smartboards! Technology is magic sometimes.

  11. a parent's job is never done. more grubs for as long as it takes. love the haiku.

  12. Beautifully observed.

  13. Only yesterday I spotted a hen blackbird with a beakful. It made me smile. Lovely haiku. x


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