
Saturday 26 June 2010

Highland Flowers

Plenty of flowers when we were in Pitlochry, but this is one of my favourites - Ragged Robin. I often think it looks as though someone has taken a pair of nail scissors to a red campion. Ragged Robin is quite a rare flower, while red campion is fairly common across the UK.

(Photo by Crafty Green Boyfriend).


  1. We don't have that flower =:<(

  2. We have bits of ragged robin around but I do agree with you that it looks like a nail-scissored campion - we have masses of that and it looks so beautiful, especially when it merges with speedwell. Miss the horse chestnut header.

  3. Anonymous12:50 pm

    I see this growing along the roadways here, but have never seen it close up. Your are right, it does look snipped.

  4. Beautiful! Like RG said we don't have that one. I was once in Pitlochry long ago, but I think it wasn't flower time.

  5. It is a beautiful flower. Wonderful photo!

  6. I'm a bit behind in my blog reading, so I'm doing this in reverse order. Another delightful name, "Ragged Robin." And a lovely flower to go with it.


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