
Sunday 6 June 2010

The Camel Saloon

The Camel Saloon is a new online place for poetry, prose and postcards! You can find it here. I'm delighted to have just had two poems accepted for the site and also one of my photos is the current Camel Saloon postcard, which you can see here.


  1. congrats and thanks for sharing

    much love

  2. congrats on your poetry/ postcard being accepted. the picture is beautiful. i wish i could explore.

  3. A great picture card!

    Regarding the previous post about the grotto, the management plan for the River and your class. All 23 comments discussed many aspects of the lovely grottos - none mentioned the plan or your class.

    Yet - if you and the other teachers, the planners, and those who attempt to implement the plan do not do their work well, their will be no grottos and no river to enjoy. So many are called, so few answer. Good luck and keep us posted.

    PS - is the Water Quality issue the plan mentions mostly the litter?

  4. Congratulations, look forward to sharing more of your successes.

  5. Loved this! The lure of Scotland...

  6. Looks crazy! Congratulations!


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