
Tuesday 18 May 2010

Horses and Geese

horses in the Liberton Brae fields near where I work.

There are geese up the hill from the horses too. But the goose I want to talk about today is the One Pink Goose, Cathy's lovely blog where she shares her own and other people's beautiful artworks. A while ago I won a beautiful print from Cathy in this giveaway and shamefully seem to have forgotten to thank her publically. I chose the Siamese cat print (scroll down a wee bit to see it!) and was delighted to find that the parcel also included a selection of Cathy's lovely greetings cards. So thank you Cathy!


  1. Congratulatios on your prize!
    & These two horses are so sweet together.

  2. congratulations Juliet! lovely work!

    and the two horses look beautiful, how nice to have them by your work - so lucky!

  3. Love the horses... and the OPGoose Siamese cat!

  4. Congrats on winning and the horses are lovely

  5. Love those bangs on the horse. Or fringe, as you call it. I had my own trimmed today!

    And yes... One Pink Goose is a delightful blog,isn't it?

  6. congrats on your prize. the gray horse with the white face is delightful. i'm sure you enjoy looking at these horses near your work everyday.

    we have horses across from our house- in a field. they are always entertaining us. i love watching them each day.

    have a great night.


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