
Saturday 3 April 2010

More photos from Hermitage of Braid

We had a lovely walk along the Braid Burn yesterday (you can read more here). It's a lovely small river (or large stream?) running through a small gorge, with high rocky sides and lots of trees. It was very sunny and there were some wonderful tree shadows to photograph.

The Hermitage of Braid also contains the Headquarters of Edinburgh Council's Countryside Rangers Service, which is housed in a lovely old building which has this lovely sundial in front of it.


  1. Great spring shadows in the wood.

  2. I love the shadows of the trees, Juliet. There is a poem in there, I think!

  3. Oh, I love your shadow shots for the day, Juliet! The trees are particularly beautiful and the sundial is perfect! I can see several poems!! Wishing you a very Happy Easter weekend!


  4. Great shots, Juliet! real eye-catchers :) I trust you had a fabulous time around your wood.

  5. I like the sundial. It's such a simple and elegant technology.

  6. love that first tree shot - lovely spring photo

  7. Very beautiful shadow shots!

  8. Now that's something I've been meaning to get for our garden, a sundial. I love the shadows cast from the trees. I hope you get to spend some of the Easter break outdoors. x

  9. In the top view, the tree trunk shadows look like long-necked giraffes, a neat effect! The tree shadows show the branches as long fingers reaching for the sky - the grabbing will cease when they are full of leaves!

  10. Nothin' like a brisk walk in the woods ans we get to come along through your beautiful photos...THANKS!

  11. Come, read this shadow
    from gloaming until sunset—
    what tales does it tell?

    Shadowy Toilet!

  12. Very clean and calm. Sunshine make the woods look more dramatic in it's grayish touch.

    Happy Easter.

  13. Beautiful tree shadows and crisp sundial shadow! Looks like a great dreaming place!

  14. Just saying "hello" and Happy Spring! Doesn't it feel good to have the sun turn up the heat a little and doesn't the air smell sublime?

  15. You make me feel quite guilty. After all those hot cross buns, we should be out walking too instead of sitting in front of our computers. I love the sundial and the sun has cast a strong shadow for you, so the warmer weather must be on the way. Have a lovely Easter.

  16. Great place for a long walk, love the sundial!

  17. Is it me being in Easter mode, or does that first tree shadow look like a cross?

    Wishing you a great weekend - hopefully there is more sunlight to cast more shadows!

  18. That looks like a beautiful location to go bushwalking! I'm smitten with that first photo! Hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend :)

  19. Anonymous9:08 am

    Hi Juliet, super shadows - I always like shadows of trees!

  20. Anonymous12:11 pm

    Great shadows and finally it´s spring!!!

  21. Thanks for calling in, I envy the area you have to walk but the other mans (woman's) grass is always greener :)


  22. Marvelous shadow shots from your trip ... I'm reminded I didn't get around to sharing shadows this weekend ... sigh! I did enjoy catching up on your last five posts. Looks like a wonderful experience. Thanks for sharing the info and views with us.
    Hugs and blessings,

  23. trees and shadows of trees; they were almost ghosts of trees that once stood there.

  24. I must be seeing crosses today! That long tree shadow on the right- it forms a cross when it intersects t=with that boulder. Truly, I see a cross!

  25. gorgeous place to go for a walk. your pictures make me wish i could foot alongside you. the tree shadows are interesting too. hope all is well. have a great day.

  26. Shadows
    shot by sundials
    give away the time.

    xo Kari


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