
Wednesday 7 April 2010

herring gull haiku

golden evening light -
even the herring gull
looks noble

previously published in Haiku Scotland (possibly also previously posted here, but hey, here it is again!). You can see another herring gull haiku of mine here.


  1. I suppose a herring gull always looks noble to another herring gull.

    Or maybe they just don't give a damn.

    This catches the transforming power of light very well.

  2. To make a conversation on herring gulls, one of my poems on them, many as you can imagine live in my area, in Venice; sorry if it's not so short:

    ( or Van Gogh at his waking )

    Its cackling at dawn is an axe
    that cuts you
    from the last scrap of a dream.
    The blue blade through the shutter
    is a severe awakening.
    In a flash you take in
    the drop of red on its yellow beak
    and its eye staring in the early sky.
    Gone is the root of your being,
    the stalk you grabbed in the night field,
    the jagged hem of the flower
    that made perfect sense.
    The cackling grows into a volley
    and asks for another grabbing,
    the luminous and bitter
    jagged edge of the start,
    the day in an unquenchable thirst
    and your dread of its hanging openness.
    Now the cackling harbours
    in the throbs of a vast howl,
    you hear even the steeples nodding,
    the whole air getting stung,
    the day’s shore coming forward
    with a blue hunger.
    It’s time. You stare at a beam
    of sunlight on the ceiling
    and are gripped by the furrows of the moment
    ruthlessly blooming, memory and desire
    staring in a lingering gust,
    you hear the howl spreading
    and blending with the nearing
    sea of May light, a countenance
    that wants to overlap.
    You get up.

  3. Anonymous10:41 pm

    Maybe, I am not a fan of gulls. I like the poem, though.

  4. Love it. I don't know herring gulls, but I find gulls fairly noble looking.

  5. __Soooo many Herring Gulls here, and such a society they maintain...
    that elite nobility, to a super-market, parking lot tramp. I love 'em.
    __They linger, wherever some sort of food can be found.

    parking lot
    these herring gulls clamor
    donut shop

  6. Despite the Herring gull controversy a lovely point has been revealed. Like the new banner too.....

  7. golden evening light can illuminate nature in a positive light, can't it? wonderful ku. have a great day.

  8. In this evening's golden light we had four Reddish Egrets stop for awhile in a fallen tree beside the river--lovely! Your verses make me see more deeply.

  9. against grey skies
    the gulls shining
    like gods


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