
Friday 30 April 2010

Cherry trees

The cherry trees in the garden of the building opposite our flat are temperamental. A couple of years ago they bloosomed twice in one season. This year they stubbornly refused to bloom, even when most of the other cherry trees in Edinburgh had started their belated blooming, most of Spring being late this year.

I went down to Bristol for a few days, saying goodbye to the bare branched cherry trees. But what happened while I was away?

home again -
our cherry trees finally
in blossom.

Rich blossoms pink against the creamy walls of the old school building.


  1. All things ahve a habit of finding their own right time...

  2. I didn't think my apple tree was ever going to leaf, let alone blossom! It's on its way now though.
    Enjoy the blossom, the cherry trees here are very late too.

  3. So...kind of like the watched pot that doesn't boil, then?

  4. a happy homecoming for you then~!~

    around here (high altitude) if the fruit trees bloom too soon we'll end up getting a frost that puts a quick end to it all . . . last year was the first in many that our ornamental crabapple had so many blossoms that the branches were sagging with the weight.

    so i'm always torn between wanting to enjoy the blossoms and knowing that the longer it takes the better.

    they are such a delightful harbinger of a spring season~!~ Enjoy.


  5. Love cherry trees so much. I have so many photographs of blossoms this spring. Only trouble is they all come out at the same time and within a couple of weeks all the blossom has gone till next spring. I wish spring could last much longer...!

  6. my peach tree blooms and fruits late..which is good this year since it snowed again last night! I may be the only one with peaches this year as it is frosting at night while all other trees are in bloom.

  7. A nice surprise!

  8. My cherry tree also seems to be the last on my estate to blossom. It's just got going but I think it's looking better than ever

  9. Double blossom? Wow! Now, you're right, this year's spring still cold and delaying slightly nature's circle. "Cherry Trees" is a familiar sight I once had in Provence... Very special since their fruits financed my first return ticket to the UK... Hence meeting with my future. It is also the title of a piece I wrote soon after I lost my maternal grandmother [on Earth].

  10. Ah, cherry trees! hooray for them! Do they usually manage to grow their cherries too? I love cherries straight from the tree!


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