
Sunday 11 April 2010

April is Stash Busting Month

I've joined in with April Stash Bust month, pledging not to buy any new craft supplies and also to make craft items with what's already in my stash. As the Forest Cafe has a free fair coming up (on Sunday 25 April) then this gives me an ideal chance to make things and know that I have something to do with them once I've made them! The first things I've made are four pot pourri bags, see one of them below, made from scrap fabric and pot pourri bought from a second hand shop (but still strongly scented!). I'm packaging the bags in reused clear plastic with cardboard inserts that advertise this blog.

You can read more about stash busting month here.


  1. Well I just failed that one. Picked out some new roving for spinning and fabric for dyeing this weekend... On the other hand when I get off the computer I'm going to tackle my stash of denim! New futon cover coming up.

  2. Oh how beautiful. Feel like I can almost smell the potpourri from here!

    I love your new pic at the top of the blog (what's that called... header? banner? who knows). So beautiful and serene.

  3. Thank you for sharing the stash bust info. I'm in!

  4. excellent idea juliet - I'm guilty
    of buying more, when my current
    supply of beads is not exhausted -
    vow to make bracelets and necklaces
    until every bead has a place -
    then I will go shopping.

    the potpourri idea is quiet
    good and economical - it wil do
    well this time of year - with
    spring cleaning and all.

  5. I need a stash burn year!

  6. Brilliant, though I'm closer in spirit to The Fluffies. I could have a stash busting year.

  7. Does this just apply to craft supplies, or to anything one happens to stash? I've decided not to buy any new books until I've read all my unreads, and no more note-books/pads until every empty page is covered. This could take me to the end of the year!

    The potpourri sachet is lovely.

  8. I'm in. Lots of stash. Plenty of projects .. mostly for the garden!


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