
Monday 8 February 2010

Monday Bunday - Driftwood

Yesterday I posted about a few of the Simple Things I enjoy in life. The Bunns from Houseful of Rabbits wondered why the Gorgie Farm rabbits didn't get a mention! Well, to make up for that here is a whole post dedicated to a Gorgie Farm rabbit.

As many readers of this blog will know, Crafty Green Boyfriend and I sponsor Driftwood one of the rabbits at Gorgie City Farm. We donate an annual amount to help feed him and keep him up to date with his health care. Recently we renewed our sponsorship and Driftwood kindly wrote a letter to us (we think that he may have had some help from the Gorgie Farm staff!) and here are the highlights:

Your sponsorship money will help me and my rabbit friends. We'll be well fed and watered and kept up to date with our myxamatosis jags. It's been an eventful year in all our lives. Over the autumn we were integrated. This meant that we went from living separately to living together. I didn't like it to begin with. And had a few fights, with Louie in particular. But over time I've come to realise its nicer having lots of friends. This winter I've also learned to love the snow. It scared me a bit at first. And made my feet cold. But by the end of the chill I was dancing around in it. And nibbling it here and there. Now I'm looking forward to the summer and doing Cuddle Corners at Community Events and Galas. This is such an important job, in that it promotes responsible pet ownership and also raises a few funds for the Farm.

You can sponsor any of the animals at Gorgie City Farm, you can find out the sponsorship form here.


  1. Driftwood has had an eventful year. Was this a, err, paw written letter?

  2. Thanks D.Moll, I think Driftwood has had a year of signigicant personal development including learning to type...

  3. what a sweet face this little bunny has! & such a good cause you participate in.

  4. Driftwood has such beautiful markings. On the subject of adoption, I'm wondering whether the RSPB nestboxes we sponsor (in a local reserve here in South Wales) will be seen as 'des res' this Spring!

  5. What a sweet, beautiful bun!! Yes, friends are nice, Driftwood :)

  6. I shall look upon our wild farm rabbits in an entirely different light having read this Juliet. Oh how I wish they could all have myxi jabs - it is such a cruel disease.

  7. Hello there and thanks for visiting my place and leaving a message. Our 2 rivers are different ones.... I had to check that a few weeks ago myself - its confusing isn't it you'd think that of all names out there they could pick something different for one of them.

  8. Driftwood you are a gorgeous bun. It is much nicer to have friends to hang out with isnt it?

  9. What a great idea, and you can see the benefits because it's so closeby. Cute bunny.

  10. Pretty cute! I started giving animals sponsorships to family members, since there's so little any of us really need. It's a nice way to acknowledge someone and help an animal at the same time. We're all animal-mad in my family, so this is a gift that's well-received.

  11. Cuddle Corner sounds like fun to me. Driftwood looks like he will be good a cuddles. :)

  12. LOL, Diana--paw written letter. I like picturing Driftwood snuggling with his buddies.

    And I loved the photos of East Berwick? West Berwick? You know, the seaside!

  13. Driftwood writes a better, more interesting letter than most people I know. But then he does seem to have a lot to report.

  14. so cute. i love little bunnies

  15. Thank You CGP, for the post! And for helping Driftwood! I see the bunny blog folks liked it too.

    It was an imPAWtent letter!!!!


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