
Saturday 2 January 2010

Snowy Start to the New Year

It's snowing again! I've never seen so much snow over such a long period of time! The photo is from our walk along the Water of Leith on Monday, wonderful birdwatching as ever, though I'll post about holiday birdwatching tomorrow!

Hope everyone had an enjoyable break, whether you were celebrating Christmas or not. We had a lovely time, lots of snowy walks and I've worked on a lot of poems and a craft project. I hope to finish the craft project very soon and share it here.
Best wishes for 2010, let's hope its a good one!


  1. Nice shot… we're getting flurries of tiny little snowflakes here, but no accumulation.

    Something about your front page locks up my network interface, I wish I knew what.

  2. Farfetched - I think its you who's said that before, I wish I knew what the problem was and i could fix it.... If you ever work out what causes the problem let me know,,,,,

  3. Happy 2010 to you too, Juliet. I admire your good attitude toward what sounds like record snow levels in Edinburgh. I find hard winters difficult (growing up in Southern California was a bit formative, I'm afraid). Accepting the natural world on ITS terms instead of thinking the natural world ought to be accommodating and coddling us is one of the many things I like about your blog.

  4. The shadow of the photo artist stands out nicely against the snow. We see snow around here, and the nice look of fresh snow almost offsets the Winter cold - almost!

  5. All the best for 2010!

    Your snowy shadows are great!

  6. Lovely! There's something about shadows on snow that I find really appealing.

  7. Great photos. Its been snowing a lot here too. Too much for me. I hope you are enjoying it.

  8. Happy New Year! I hope the snow isn't causing a lot of headaches. It sure is pretty.

  9. It started snowing here this afternoon but it is too wet to lay. My friends in Northumberland are snowed in.

    You have a wonderful new year x

  10. The snow here went away but then it started snowing about 8.30am - too late to cancel the transport into town but it got me there in time to take half a dozen great photos before the gritters came and made passage easier but spoilt the photogenicity of the snow.

    farfetched's problem could be a slow loading widget.

    oo - the captha word is "nompome"!

  11. Lovely snowy shadows from those trees and photographers. Very nice.

  12. Shadows on snow looks fabulous.

    Great shot, lady!

    Wishing you all the best of 2010.

  13. Great shadow shots in the snow! You do seem to be dealing with all the snow quite well! And it can be beautiful! Wishing you a great new year, Juliet!


  14. Thanks Gerald, I've removed what is probably the problem....

  15. Happy New Year to you! It sounds like you've had a productive break and I look forward to seeing the craft project!

    It's snowing here too - quite deep, but our necks still stick out over the top of the drifts, so we're OK!

  16. Nifty snowy shadows in your winter wonderland. No snow and LOTS of sunshine where I live so I've shared A Mosaic of Neighborhood Shadows at Sacred Ruminations and ‘Critter Shadows’ at Small Reflections.
    Hugs and blessings,

  17. Good to see you back on here – happy new year and all. Personally I’ve had enough of the wintry weather now. I’ve managed to see plenty of redwings, but no doubt you have something more exotic in the way of birdies, which I shall look forward to seeing …

  18. Lots of blue shadows on your snow. We've been having a nice winter so far, and by that I mean not very much snow. I hope it continues!

  19. Beautiful shadows on the snow. Looks chilly though.
    Have a very good New Year.

  20. You've shared some beautiful shadows on the snow.
    We had snow showers here in Connecticut for much of the day. They were pretty and luckily didn't affect the driving.

    Happy 2010 to you ~

  21. Great shadow shot :)

  22. And a Happy New Year to you as well, My Friend.

  23. Anonymous1:09 am

    Your snow photos are just beautiful. I would love to see the snow again but no doubt would find the cold difficult after living for so long in Australia. Thank you for your photos - they always brighten my day!

  24. happy new year, Juliet! Glad to see you're enjoying your winter wonderland!

  25. Brrr! A lovely looking scene though. Happy crafting!

  26. Hope you had a good Christmas. Happy belated New Year.

  27. I was hoping to see some snow shadows today! Thanks! stay warm and happy 2010 to you!

  28. Brrr! Looks like some deer tracks in that shadow picture. Happy 2010.

  29. Yeah, we been having snow too everyday. Nice shadows.

    MY SSS post. Have a great weekend!

  30. We've only had a little snow - a couple on inches. Then the sun came out and I got some shadow-on-snow pictures, as well.

    Very cold here in Michigan. Single digits (F) tonight.


  31. So fluffy and soft looking, a beautiful shot! I love the trees in the distance, too.

  32. Looks cold and crunchy. Happy New Year and New Decade too.

  33. Just lovely. All that snow, so pretty.

  34. Anonymous10:34 am

    Lovely photo! It's snowing (again) as I type this - I can't remember when we last had so much snow!!

  35. Beautiful! That's the way it was for us last year. Three weeks of snow altogether...very strange for our climate. Stay warm.

  36. Happy Snowy New Year! Thanks for your comment, you're right we do have a bit in common - yay for thrift store dress up :)

  37. The shadows grow long towards the end of the day. Wonderful snowy Shadow shot.

  38. Lovely photo for SSS! Happy New Year to you and yours for 2010! :)

  39. Into snowy woods
    we walked at dawn, lingered for
    a while, then moved on.

    Bring-on-the-Band Shadows!

  40. We're up to our mid-shins in snow here, much higher where is has drifted. But I love snow, so I don't mind a bit. Your long shadows are lovely!

  41. I love the shadows on the dimpled snow!

  42. I was looking for some shadow on snow, but didn't get lucky because our snow has melted and turned to ice.

    Very beautiful shadow!

  43. Wonderful shadow shot! I'm not a lover of snow, but it does provide some great photos, doesn't it? Lovely scene.

  44. Hi!
    Wonderful Shadows! Love your shadows included in this shot. Thanks for stopping by my place, Sherrie's Stuff. Have a great evening!


  45. Brrr!! Great long shadows of winter...
    Here's to a Happy New Year though!

  46. Those are some mighty long shadows. Cool shot!

  47. Brrr...I've already had it with the snow and cold, but the castle shots I could look at all day, wonderful shots!

  48. Lovely winter scenery!

  49. Welcome daily routines! :)
    Happy New Year!

    Snow...I do KNOW what it means when there's a lot of it - but
    I do NOT miss snow at all! :)

    Sunny SSS, +22 greetings from Cairo!


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