
Tuesday 8 December 2009

Three brief reviews

I usually restrict reviews here to environmentally related books, films etc. However these are three very good reads that aren't environmentally related but I can definitely recommend them:
Dog Latin by Kevin Cadwallender - Kevin is one of the most entertaining poets in Scotland and this is an excellent pamphlet of his poetry, published by Calder Wood Press. There's a lot of humour in this short book and some moving poems too. You can read two collaborative poems written by Kevin over on Bolts of Silk here.

My Heart Draws a Rough Map by Howard Good - this is a beautifully illustrated dreamlike short book about the adventures of a heart. Published online by Blue Hour Press. You can read some of Howard's poetry on Bolts of Silk here.

The Woman: In a Box by Susan Culver. This is a beautifully written, thought provoking and sometimes disturbing online collection of poetry and prose poems.


  1. Thanks Poet. I must get Dog Latin, as I'm reading about it everywhere, and I'll check out the Susan Culver site too.

  2. So many reads, so little time.

    I could not get the song-reading to work on the previous post ... I guess it is time for something newer than windows me .....

  3. Titus - yes you should get Dog Latin! You'll enjoy it!

    Rabbit's Guy - sorry you couldn't get the music to work, I'll have a qwuick check and see if I can work out what might be wrong. it should work with Windows as far as i know... Was it the link that didn't work or the music that wouldn't play on Myspace once you got there?

  4. I couldn't get the songs to play yesterday either. But I tried again today, and they worked. Juliet, you have a beautiful voice! The words and the music are enchanting. Hypnotic. Thank you. xo Kari

  5. Some very interesting and thought provoking poetry on Bolts of Silk Juliet. I hope to catch up on some reading over the Christmas period.

    I like the idea of giving and receiving second hand books, DVD's, CD's etc. I never worries me that they are not new as long as they are in decent condition.

  6. Thanks! I'm always looking for great reads, I'll have to check these out.

  7. Anonymous8:37 am

    Kevin read from Dog Latin at the Pamphlet Fair on Wednesday. It's available from

  8. I'm a big fan of Howie Good. Thanks for linking it here. I will check out the other links, too. They sound awesome.

  9. Thanks for the recommendations.


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