
Sunday 20 December 2009

From beer bottle to candlestick

This is an idea I first saw over at Creatively Green, where they repurposed their beer bottles far more beautifully than I have mine! Creatively Green have been sharing loads of inspiring eco-friendly gift and decoration ideas over the holiday season! My bottle is a real ale bottle, with a pattern in the glass of the neck. I've just covered the label area with some reused gift-wrap and added some reused gift ribbon around the neck. We'll use it as a candle stick.....


  1. I tried one a long time ago, they look great with a multi colored dripping candles.modle

  2. What a good idea Juliet -shall try it as the bottles empty.

  3. I like that idea and do drink a bottle of ale now and then.I think that I will decorate some beer bottles and bring them to my family Christams Eve celebaration.-Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  4. I like that a lot, Crafty! :)

  5. I loved your poem in the Arvon brochure. It was imaginative and beautfully done. (Don't tell your co-winner, but I liked yours much better.)

  6. I love the new header!

  7. That's great! We used to do that sort of thing with bottles in the 70s ... I think the 70s did a lot of 'green-y' things w/out realising the significance at the time ... then the 80s arrived and it all fell into disarray somehow. (See what thoughts a brown bottle transformed into a candle holder can produce?) :)


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