
Friday 13 November 2009

Autumnal trees, Princes Street Gardens

Perfect blue skies, a chill in the air, the last leaves on the trees. Twenty chaffinches feeding on the grass and bathing in puddles.
Top photo silver birch; bottom photo one of the several beautiful ash trees in Princes Street Gardens.


  1. Lovely images - and twenty chaffinches? Lucky you.

  2. Twenty chaffinches bathing in puddles must be wonderful!

  3. I love to watch birds in puddles or baths or even dust. They are so funny the way they flutter their wings, all the while chattering away harmoniously to each other (unless of course someone takes somebody else's spot in the water).

    Such majestic trees. I think you'll like today's haiku, Juliet.

  4. mornings have been a bit chilly here too but the sun has been out and warmed things up a bit. i'm enjoying these sunny days as i think it's supposed to rain starting Sunday.

    i love watching birds splash around in a puddle of water. they're so sweet. your pictures are beautiful. hope all is well. have a great weekend.

  5. Dear Juliet, Prince Street is soul-rich.
    Marvellous photos, reminding me of the 90's when I was there there.

    I am very glad that you enjoyed "Half Smile".

  6. Gorgeous pictures, and I love the image of the twenty chaffinches.

  7. I need to find more about the 1 mi square program. I'll follow that up ... it would work here.

  8. Anonymous1:12 pm

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  9. Beautiful autumn shot. Tranquil looking to me.

  10. Oh, just love the bottom photo. It's lovely!


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