
Tuesday 13 October 2009

Of wrens and foxes

I know that some readers yesterday wanted to know what happened next when the fox saw the wrens on the bird feeder. Well, the wrens fluttered around in a most unconcerned manner. The fox saw me and watched me and then wandered off, apparently not interested in the birds at all!


  1. Thanks for part II, :~)

  2. Just one of those touristy birders, eh?

  3. Glad that little scene ended well, and while it inspired much drama in your haiku, it wasn't played out in reality.

  4. Hi,
    Just want to say I loved your verse in your Monday post and glad to hear that nothing bad happened to the birds.

  5. That's excellent! :)

  6. I suppose a wren would hardly be a mouthful for a fox, would it. Alls well that ends well then.

  7. Dear Juliet, I love foxes and their stare. And I would go fox-hunting ONLY to see one and its stare. Obviously I would go alone with no dogs and on a horse with padded hooves.

    I have written a post that I feel might be in tune with crafty greenness although it's mainly about weather and water. And it's only based on words since I am not good at photos that in this case would help.

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