
Thursday 8 October 2009

Happy National Poetry Day

There are two announcements of interest for National Poetry Day.

1. Calder Wood Press have announced their chapbook line up for 2010 and I'm delighted to be included in the list. You can see the full list over at Colin Will's blog. Thanks Colin!

2. Gorgie City Farm has published the winners of its poetry competition on their website, here. I really enjoyed judging this competition and look forward to doing so again next year, hopefully with a longer timescale to allow for even more wonderful poems about the wonderful animals on the farm.....


  1. Oh wow, what wonderful poetry for such young entrants!

    A much better news item than the radio debate about whether Edinburgh should have golf courses or allotments...

    Happy Poetry day x

  2. I'm so glad Colin is publishing you - I will be looking forward to it coming out

  3. Dear Juliet, congratulations.

    Davide Trame


  4. Oh, congrats Juliet, on the chapbook!
    And hope you had a splendid Poetry Day!

  5. Congratulations and Happy Poetry Day to you too. You are and always will be a touchstone of honesty, integrity and humanness for me, Juliet and I am so glad that you exist in bloggoland.

  6. Ah Poetry. One of my favorite spectator sports!

  7. Hi CG,
    WOW! Congrats to you about the poetry chapbook. I picked a good day to return to blogging.

  8. Many congratulations on the chapbook and Happy National Poetry Day (late). What a way to celebrate!

  9. Congratulations on the chapbook!
    Were there poetry postcards for National Poetry Day this year?

  10. good for you juliet!!!! it's an awesome opportunity to spread your deserved fame even further!! steven

  11. Congrats on the chapbook Juliet.

    Amazing poems you have chosen. They are both so different but so good. Lovely to see young talent emerging.

    The only two feathers I know are the ones you already identified. I found a beautiful Jay feather once but the friend I was walking with asked if she could have it to put in her nature book. I didn't have the heart to say no but I would have liked to keep it. I haven't seen one since.

  12. Congratulations Juliet!

  13. Well done Juliet. Really pleased for you.

  14. Congratulations, Juliet! I am so pleased for you, and your readers!

  15. Congratulations! This is wonderful news. Please let me know when it comes out, so I can purchase. Your poetry is beautiful.


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