
Tuesday 29 September 2009

Time Capsule Found on the Dead Planet by Margaret Attwood

In December, world leaders will gather in Copenhagen to try to reach a global deal to tackle climate change. To support the launch of the Guardian newspaper's 10:10 campaign to reduce carbon emissions, the Guardian Review asked a selection of artists, authors and poets to produce new work in response to the crisis. You can read Margaret Attwood's response here.


  1. What I admire about you, Juliet, is your commitment to green issues - i have been reading your blog for the past year and you never waver. Brilliant. I have been following this issue in The guardian too.

  2. Thanks for that link. I loved reading Margaret's response.

  3. thanks so much for posting this up, it's astounding in how true it is. i've already emailed it to most of my friends as it's a really important message.

  4. Thanks so much for posting this. I'm an Atwood fan, and I hadn't seen it.

  5. Thanks so much for posting this -- I, too, love Margaret Atwood's work, and I was fascinated by her response -- so powerful and moving.


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