
Tuesday 22 September 2009

Dumfries part 3

Our next trip while in Dumfries and Galloway was to Kirkconnel Flow. This is a National Nature Reserve, an area of gorgeous birch woodland, wild heathland and raised bog, which isn't so picturesque but is wonderful for wildlife. While we were there, we saw whinchats and a lot of butterflies, including Red Admirals and Painted Ladies. The area is managed by Scottish Natural Heritage to maximise the peat bog, as that is a rare habitat.


  1. All the pictures in this series are beautiful. I also love your banner photo.

  2. that second picture is certainly a nice sprawl for the wildlife to meander. i'm glad places like this exist otherwise the wildlife would perish. hope all is well. have a great day.

  3. very gorgeous pictures crafty green - i love birches - silver birches - we have a lot of those in our area. i drank silver birch wine in scotland - in sterling castle - thirty years ago. have a lovely evening. steven

  4. those pictures are wonderful!!!

  5. Wonderful photos Juliet. There's a few birches in our woods too - love the bark on them.

  6. Anonymous10:18 am

    Super sky!

  7. Hi Juliet

    the reflection in your header photo is lovely...

    Are you noticing the advent of autumn...

    Happy days

  8. Anyplace that houses little critters is naturally beautiful!

  9. So glad you gave links to some of the birds. I had never heard of a whinchat!

    Thank you for visiting My Muskoka !
    And, yes, the only way to capture a fish is in poetry! :-)

  10. Again, I am loving the beauty on your site. I also enjoyed looking at the Scottish Natural Heritage site. When I die, I hope to leave many acres to a wildlife conservation group, so the land can't get developed. But first, I gotta get the money to buy the land...ha! Thanks again for another wonderful read. I enjoyed the entire series of posts.


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