
Wednesday 19 August 2009

Water of Leith

Crafty Green Boyfriend joined me for my walk along the Water of Leith, which I did today, having been at the Book Festival on Monday morning! We've got the week off work for the Edinburgh Festivals and its nice to have a walk to escape the festival craziness...

We enjoyed walking round the meadow area near the river, where the crab apple trees are laden with fruit, see above. Then we followed my normal route up and down the river. The yew trees are magnificent at the moment, see the new banner photo, what glorious berries! We saw a heron wading chest deep in the river and later Crafty Green Boyfriend photgraphed one walking along the green metal bridge.

We also saw either a lot of dippers, or one very determined one that followed us for our entire walk back down the river.


  1. Sounds like a very nice walk, indeed. I like th eheron picture, natural form contrasted with geometry.....

  2. Sounds lovely indeed!
    Oh, and the festivals must be marvelous there- I'm jealous! ;)

  3. The banner picture is lovely. I wonder if the berries would make a good natural dye? What a magical colour the yew would lend!

  4. Wonderful yew berries and banner ... it's almost Christmas come early (and could be with our South Wales weather!)...

  5. That heron decided to take the easy way across the waterway. He's beautiful. I love glimpsing these walks you take. Hope you're enjoying your time off from work. Have a great day.

  6. Imagine a dipper following you - what a treat - it's usually a case of us humans working hard to spot them!
    Love the yew banner photo/

  7. ahhh crab apples; the memory.
    They were saying on the news here, local, that there have been no acorns this year; that weather wise we are a month a head of ourselves and having September weather. They were thinking we would not get acorns at all this year. Wondering what the effect of this will be.

  8. Wow - fantastic shots Juliet...the header of yews is wonderful! Are crab apples sweet or tart I wonder...

  9. Cheers to you and Crafty green Boyfriend and thanks for sharing from your ginko

    much love

  10. Anonymous1:20 am

    Your walks are full of poetry - crabapple trees. Heron. Just lovely. *sigh*

  11. Hooray for the dippers!

  12. We have a yew tree in the garden, but it is a much more regimented thing than the one in your photo, it grows upright and pencil slim, with all the branches growing upwards, packed tightly together - I like yours better

  13. Sounds like a wonderful walk. Those apples look beautiful. Hope you have fun at the festivals.


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