
Sunday 2 August 2009

Shadowy Moss

I took this photo yesterday as we were walking along the Water of Leith. Close up the moss is full of wonderful small insects, including tiny orange ladybirds with white spots.


  1. Love those mossy walls and the flickering shadows add so much character! Lovely photo!

  2. shadows creep
    inside the wall top moss
    many creatures

    love from mandy

  3. What an ancient walk way that appears in your mysteries lie beneath the shadows...I can almost smell the cool of the moss...I always set my imagination free...thanks for another chance journey!!!

  4. this is a wonderful shot. I can feel it too.

  5. Wow! That's a lot of moss! I've never seen ladybirds with white spots before. I've only seen black spotted ones. I feel as though I'm missing out on something quite special here! A lovely shadow shot :)

  6. Moss is wonderful stuff - very evocative of fairies and elves.

  7. You always take such beautiful pictures and form such beautiful words; I am rather jealous. :P

  8. Lovely shadows. I must say Juliet you do seem to spend a lot of time walking by the Waters of Leith. By the way I keep meaning to say - iI love the greenness of your new header - very appropriate.

  9. The moss looks like a warm green shawl lying over a sturdy shoulder. Nice photo.

  10. I love moss, and the shadows here create a beautiful pattern of greens. Love your previous post, too! Thanks for taking us along to see the sights in your part of the world.

    Thanks for stopping by at mine, too.


  11. Lovely shadow view of these mossy walls. Looks like a great place to walk ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  12. Anonymous6:43 pm

    Thank you for your comment on my shadows! Your photo is excellent. I live not too far away from you - just down the A7 in Hawick (or down the A68 and turn right!) Regards, Anne

  13. Green indeed.
    Loved the dappled reflection.
    This summer in NY has been oddly wet -reminding me of my childhood in England.
    Moss is such a stunning color.

  14. Wonderful did you create the nagative-like camera shot?

  15. Greyscale. mandy, bobbie, noah - MyMaracas, storyteller, thanks!
    sweet repose, yes it is a historical river with lots of old stonework along it...
    Hey Harriet, we seem to be seeing a lot of the white spotted orange ladybirds this year, hopefulyl maybe we'll get a photo one day, but they're so tiny...
    Golden West, yes I couldn't quite capture the fairies in the photo either...
    Weaver - my weekly walk along the Water of Leith is part of the voluntary work i do the the Water of Leith Conservation Trust.
    Michelle - nice description, thanks
    frayedattheedge - yes not far away!
    Elizabeth - yes lots of rain here too....
    Lynn - its not mine it belongs to hey Harriet who hosts Shadow Shot Sunday, its very effective isn't it?

  16. This is lovely shot of yours. So greeny.

    Hope you had a wonderful day of walking.

    Happy Sunday & week ahead....

  17. It is a lovely place to walk - great cool looking shadow. I have not seen any ladybirds at all this year - not looking hard enough.

  18. mosses and shadows
    along the Water of Leith—
    summer’s abundance

  19. I love moss - looking at it is like a whole world in miniature.

    Your header photos is beautiful - it really has that lovely almost magical atmosphere of the edge of woodland in summer.

  20. Cool shadow shot! :-)

  21. What gorgeous shady moss you have! We tried to grow moss before....didn't work as well as we wanted it too!!

  22. Lovely mossy wall :)

    I just checked the link you attached to Water of Leith. its really a beautiful place :)

  23. A beautiful photo. Nature at its best.

  24. A great picture, CGP. I clicked on the photo to enlarge: it is really, really beautiful with the mottled shadow and chiaroscuro shades.

    I looked so hard ... but have yet to spot one of the ladybirds! I'm sure Scotland must be having a bumper year. We really enjoyed seeing them at Tantallon Castle and St Abb's Head. (But not yellow and white ones: they sound amazing!).

    Perhaps you will record your sightings on the ladybird survey?

  25. Coastcard, thanks for that link, I will take part! Now I'll be extra observant!

    I don't think there's any chance you'll see the ladybirds in this photo, they are really very small....

    Yes we are havign a bumper year up here...

  26. The mossy walls are made even more beautiful by the shadows!

  27. what a lovely shadow shot, very romantic!

  28. Have just found you another ladybird site (RSPB)... and once again keen to hear about sightings. It's here...

  29. Love your green green header - it's a cure to see it.
    I also love moss and have photographed it for many years - such an ancient entity but always beautiful.

  30. I just want to run my hand over that moss. Wonderful, warm and cool with those shadows.

  31. this is so cool; it would be fun to have a sculpture bed with moss on it!

  32. Oh, it is so cool and inviting!


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