
Monday 24 August 2009

the river runs high -
two dippers chase each other
under the bridge.

Water of Leith, today. This is for Rabbit's Guy, I know how much he likes the dippers!

Yesterday, I was at a poetry reading as part of the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Robin Robertson and Michael Symmons Roberts were the poets, they're both very well worth checking out (just follow the links under their names).


  1. You have certainly made the most of your week at the festival. Wish I could have been to some of the events...

  2. Ooh, I envy you, listening to those two.

  3. Oh, the haiku is lovely- and I am envious too! Since settling in our new home, haven't had much time for too much other than unpacking! I hope to find out a little more about the poetry scene here once things relax...
    Have a great week, Juliet!

  4. I love dippers, they are among my favourite birds, so love your haiku.

  5. lovely haiku!

    Pomona x

  6. One gets such a delightful image from your haiku.

  7. I actually managed to spot those two dippers along the Water of Leith the other day! But they didn’t stay in any one place for long …

  8. Anonymous12:32 pm

    Love the haiku...and I'm envious of being so class to the festival. Ah, some day.

  9. I am impressed by how much you get around, both physically in the world, and on the web. Very productive, and good practicing of community. I respect and love this about you.

  10. Glad you were able to hear some poets read at the festival. You haiku is very nice. Makes me think of a time shortly after a storm when life returns to the skies. Have a great day.

  11. love this haiku--especially the first line

  12. what a wonderful haiku!

    and I'm glad you linked--I've never heard of dipppers. they are lovely!! what a treat it must be to see them.


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