
Saturday 22 August 2009

Godzilla in the Edinburgh Fringe

We saw One Eye Gone yesterday, an excellent, environmentally aware reinterpretation of Godzilla using video, cardboard cities, cotton wool clouds with tinsel rain and some amazing lit up jellyfish shaped things. It's beautifully made and engrossing but very short, just as we were really starting to love the underwater feel with the jellyfish it ended........

All the props and costumes are apparently made from recycled or environmentally friendly materials - though they don't use bicycle powered generators to pwer the lights as in Home of the Wriggler that I saw a few days ago.

It's the last day today and I think there are still tickets available, so if you're in Edinburgh and wondering what to do for half an hour or so, get along to Venue 13, Lochend Close at 4.15.


  1. This production does sound like a lot of fun-I wish I could go!

  2. Sounds very interesting.

  3. Does the film appear very amateurish or is that part of the charm?

  4. Juliet - yet again I am cross that I do not live near to Edinburgh - sounds wonderful.
    Love the header - are they yew berries?

  5. Sounds like you've been busy going to some theatre shows. Glad you're enjoying yourself.

  6. mel, d.moll, michelle - thanks

    Weaver - yes the berries in the header are yew berries, aren't they lovely?

    Mistlethrush - it doesn't look amateurish in the bad sense certainly, it does look homemade, but its done very well. Video in the background, real live people in the foreground with the cardboard city on a table.

  7. If I were in Edinburgh I'ld have LOTS to do!!!! You are a great promoter of tourism!

  8. What? this sounds great.
    Nope, I'm nowhere near Ediburgh, nor will hopping a plane get us there in time for the show, but glad to hear about it.

  9. this sounds like one of the most interesting things i have heard of in a while--so unexpected. !?

    why is the imagination happier now.


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