
Friday 14 August 2009


Bog grasses and lochans
Distant mountains where the woman sleeps
caressed by the moon low in the sky.

A circle of rocks dragged here
in response to a mystic power
we still feel today.

Distorted gravity.
A kink in the moon’s journey.

previously published in Moonstone

Callanais stone circle, Lewis, Western Isles.


  1. Beautiful phrasing and semantics. I've been looking through your blog. I love the pictures of hares :)

  2. Oh!, very nice, thank you.

  3. A publishing well deserved as this is beautifully written. A circle of rocks... perhaps Stonehenge? Well done. Have a great weekend.

  4. Thanks Jasmine and D,Moll.

    Michelle - the stone circle is Callanais stone circle, Lewis, click on the link to find out more....

  5. Speaking purely personally, your best yet - and I don't usually say things like that. I find it stunning. Later I will analyse it for my own satisfaction, but right now I am just going to enjoy it.

  6. hello juliet, my son was just visiting these circles three weeks ago. i've sent him your poem - it's so elegant!!! have a peaceful day. steven

  7. I love all the folklore that grows up around these places... and poems.

  8. Such a lovely visual poem, Juliet- and I agree with Jasmine- beautiful phrasing here- perfect, I would say.


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